Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2021

Basegame Dresses * Recolors


Mesh by EA
Recolors by Annett85
Basegame compatible
each 20 Swatches

Exclusive Tiles


Invitations for exclusive content only for VIP Patron

CAS Backgrounds * Horror House


Thumbnails have been edited!

Achtung! Immer nur eine Hintergrund-Datei in den Mods-Ordner schieben!
Attention! Only put one background file in the mods folder!

Das blaue Feld unter den Füßen bekommt man weg,
 in dem man die "Blob_Remover.package" in den Mods-Ordner verschiebt.

You can remove the blue field under the feet, 
if you move the "Blob_Remover.package" into the mods folder.

Samstag, 30. Oktober 2021

Dirty Tiles * Part 2


Download Patreon, Early Access
Public release: 16th November, 2021

Mesh by EA
Recolors by Annett85
Basegame compatible
each 9 Swatches

Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2021

CAS Backgrounds * SM Studio

Invitations for exclusive content only for VIP Patron