Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018

Accessoiry Bodysuit "Michelle"

Mesh by EA
Edited & Recolors by Annett85
Basegame compatible
30 Swatches

Accessory Bodysuits = Category "Gloves"


Without Bra & Slip
Ohne BH & Slip

EA Lingerie - Recolors

Mesh by EA
Recolors by Annett85
Basegame compatible
22 Swatches

Samstag, 27. Januar 2018

CAS Backgrounds "Secret Rooms"

Immer nur eine Hintergrund-Datei in den Mods-Ordner schieben!
 Only put one background file in the mods folder!

Das blaue Feld unter den Füßen bekommt man weg, in dem man die "Blob_Remover.package" in den Mods-Ordner verschiebt.

You can remove the blue field under the feet, if you move the "Blob_Remover.package" into the mods folder.

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018

Loundry Day Stuff Dress - Recolors

Mesh by EA - "Loundry Day Stuff"
Recolors by Annett85
32 Swatches

Achtung! / Attention!

"Loundry Day Stuff" is required! 
Otherwise, it does not work!
Es wird "Waschtag" benötigt! 
Sonst funktioniert es nicht! 

Model Doro

Credits sind nicht im Download enthalten!

Credits are not included in the download!

Hair Luna by Anto
NARS-VelvetLipGlide by Hallowsims
Eyes & Blush & Eyebrow & Eyeshadow by Tifa 
Freckles by Nolan
Skin by MsBlue
Skin Detail Mole by RemusSirion
Nails by Pralinesims

EALingerie by Annett85 
Swimsuit by Annett85
Shoes by MJ95
Shoes by MJ95
Shoes by MJ95

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018

Loundry Day Stuff Tops - Recolors

Mesh by EA - "Loundry Day Stuff"
Recolors by Annett85
20 Swatches

Achtung! / Attention!

"Loundry Day Stuff" is required! 
Otherwise, it does not work!
Es wird "Waschtag" benötigt! 
Sonst funktioniert es nicht!